Your company message can appear here!
for details.
Accident Compensation
Corporation (ACC) -
New Zealands accident compensation scheme
Auckland Chamber of Commerce
Biz Central -
free assistance for businesses in the Auckland area
- business for sale &
business opportunities in New Zealand
information zone-
information to help you run your business better
Business in the Community
- business mentor programme
Business to Business -
monthly newspaper targeting small to medium sized enterprises
Enterprise North Shore
- working for the economy
of North Shore City
Fight the Patent
- fighting a Canadian company
attempting to extract fees from NZ companies with e-Commerce web sites
Foundation for Research, Science
& Technology-
investing in innovation for New Zealand's future
helpful advice for running a business from home with good resources
page & forums.
Intellectual Property Office of
New Zealand -
NZ Trade & Enterprise - New Zealand's Economic and Trade Development
New Zealand's e-Business Portal
Inland Revenue
- tax information for people
in business
nzconnection -
connecting expats with NZ enterprise success
New Zealand Companies Office -
operates New Zealand's largest information and advertising portal listing
New Zealand businesses and franchises for sale.
Small Business Enterprise Centres
of New Zealand
Business - an introductory
guide for businesses and non-profit organisations
The Small Business Company Ltd
- providing information,
education and resources to small to Medium Enterprises & articles
The Tindall Foundation
- helping New Zealanders
reach their full potential.
UBD E-Directory - comprehensive
business search directory
XtraMSN Business
- Small Business Channel