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Mortgage Express

Mortgage Express
Foreign Exchange Services


Banking & Finance

Mortgage Express - for all your home finance needs

OFX - foreign exchange transfers

Tranzfers - cheap & fast way to transfer small amounts
Acumen - financial services company providing unbiased solutions in all areas of money management and wealth creation
AMI Insurance - caring for customers since 1926
- savings, investments, insurance, banking & asset management
ASB Bank - moving to New Zealand
ASB Bank - guide to business banking fees
Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)
Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) - weekly overview

Britannia Financial Services - transferring pensions to NZ
British High Commission in New Zealand - pensions information
Commonwealth Bank of Australia - London based site for migrant banking
Consumer Online - money section
Consumer Online - are your bank fees too high?
HIFX - Specialist currency dealing services for corporate and private clients
HSBC Offshore - offshore banking
Inland Revenue (NZ) - home page
Inland Revenue (NZ) - IRD number application form
Inland Revenue (NZ) - tax information for people in business
Inland Revenue (NZ) - tax obligations for individuals
Inland Revenue (UK) - Centre For Non Residents
Inland Revenue (UK) - UK/New Zealand double taxation convention
Inland Revenue (UK) - IR20 - Residents and non-residents: Liability to tax in the United Kingdom
Inland Revenue (UK) - IR138 Living or retiring abroad?
Inland Revenue (UK) - Form P85 - Leaving the United Kingdom
Inland Revenue (UK) - Form R43 - Tax repayment claim by a person not resident in the UK (notes) (Please make sure you are using the current year's form)
Inland Revenue (UK) - Form R105 - Appl for not ordinarily resident saver to receive interest without tax taken off
ino.com - track GBP/NZD rates
Kiwisaver Information - helpful information on the Kiwisaver scheme along with free advice
Mortgage.net.nz - on-line mortgage broker
Mortgage Express - Niki Olds, Mortgage Express agent for all your home finance needs
National Bank - moving to New Zealand
National Bank Exchange Rate Forecasts
National Bank Quarterly Economic Forecasts
OFX - transfer money to NZ quickly, reliably and at unbeatable rates
Pension Transfers Direct (NZ) Ltd - transferring pensions to NZ
Sovereign Go - flexible mortgage
State Insurance - New Zealand's largest personal insurer
The Shape of Money - free, independent & comprehensive personal financial information
Tower Insurance - helping Kiwis protect their assets for over 130 years
Tranzfers - chaep and fast way to transfer smaller amounts to New Zealand
UK Inland Revenue - Centre For Non Residents
UK Inland Revenue - Frequently Asked Questions
UK Pension Transfers - transferring pensions to NZ
UK Pension Transfer to New Zealand - Uk pension transfer to NZ specialists
Westpac Bank - New Zealand's largest bank, helping more Kiwis to manage their money than any other bank.
Work and Income NZ - Ministry of Social Development

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