- Niki Olds - Mortgage Express agent for all your home finance needs.
Transfer money to New
Zealand quickly, reliably and at unbeatable rates
Cheap and fast way to transfer
smaller amounts to
New Zealand & Australia
Banking & Finance
Express - for all your home finance needs
- foreign exchange transfers
- cheap & fast way to transfer small amounts
financial services company providing unbiased solutions in all areas
of money management and wealth creation
AMI Insurance
- caring
for customers since 1926
AMP- savings, investments,
insurance, banking & asset management
ASB Bank -
moving to New Zealand
ASB Bank
- guide to business banking
Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)
of New Zealand (BNZ) -
weekly overview
Britannia Financial Services
transferring pensions to NZ
British High
Commission in New Zealand -
pensions information
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- London based site for
migrant banking
Online - money section
Online - are your
bank fees too high?
Specialist currency dealing services for corporate and private clients
HSBC Offshore -
offshore banking
Inland Revenue (NZ) -
home page
Revenue (NZ) - IRD
number application form
Inland Revenue (NZ)
- tax information for people in business
Inland Revenue (NZ)
- tax obligations for individuals
Inland Revenue
(UK) - Centre For
Non Residents
Inland Revenue
(UK) - UK/New Zealand
double taxation convention
Inland Revenue
(UK) - IR20 - Residents
and non-residents: Liability to tax in the United Kingdom
Inland Revenue
(UK) - IR138 Living
or retiring abroad?
Inland Revenue
(UK) - Form P85
- Leaving the United Kingdom
Inland Revenue (UK)
- Form R43 - Tax
repayment claim by a person not resident in the UK (notes)
(Please make sure you are using the current year's form)
Inland Revenue
(UK) - Form R105
- Appl for not ordinarily resident saver to receive interest without
tax taken off
- track GBP/NZD rates
Kiwisaver Information
- helpful information on
the Kiwisaver scheme along with free advice
Mortgage.net.nz -
on-line mortgage broker
Mortgage Express -
Niki Olds, Mortgage Express agent for all your home finance needs
Bank - moving to
New Zealand
Bank Exchange Rate Forecasts
Bank Quarterly Economic Forecasts
- transfer money to NZ quickly,
reliably and at unbeatable rates
Pension Transfers Direct
(NZ) Ltd - transferring
pensions to NZ
Sovereign Go
- flexible mortgage
State Insurance -
New Zealand's largest personal insurer
The Shape of Money
- free, independent &
comprehensive personal financial information
Tower Insurance
- helping Kiwis protect
their assets for over 130 years
- chaep and fast way to
transfer smaller amounts to New Zealand
UK Inland Revenue
- Centre For Non Residents
UK Inland
Revenue - Frequently
Asked Questions
UK Pension Transfers
- transferring pensions
to NZ
UK Pension Transfer
to New Zealand -
Uk pension transfer to NZ specialists
Bank - New Zealand's
largest bank, helping more Kiwis to manage their money than any other
Work and Income NZ
- Ministry of Social Development